
At our school our children have a wealth of school trips, events, outdoor learning and residentials. These are a major contributor to good health and mental well being for our children. Children taking part in activities often display improvements in their resilience, self-confidence, and their ability to get on with and relate to peers, which in turn boosts their sense of belonging. Team-work builds trust, as well as skills such as collaboration and communication – all of which supports attentiveness, concentration, and performance in the classroom.

Y4 Roman Day

Y4 Roman Day

Faith Club…

Harvest Festival at St Swithun’s church Woodborough

Year Six visit Eden Camp

Macmillan Coffee Morning – Over £240 raised!

Mr Mills – Headteacher visits from New Zealand

SafetyZone at Holme Pierrepont – Working alongside Nottinghamshire Emergency Services.

The Puppet Man Returns…