Reasonable Usage Conditions for Viva Engage

1. Posts and Comments

    1. Please only post Public or Private messages between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday. Messages posted outside these times may be deleted.
    2. All adults will uphold and promote the values of our school and communicate in a positive, accurate, respectful and responsible manner.
    3. All parents and carers are welcome to post their thoughts and ideas in the relevant pages, and to like, share and comment on postings. We request that you do this in a positive, respectful, constructive and accurate manner.
    4. Under no circumstances should any child be named, described or discussed in a public message or comment. We all have a responsibility to keep our children safe.

2. Posting documents, images and videos

    1. Only school authorised administrators have permission to allow the upload of documents, photographs, videos or external links.

3. Site moderation

    1. The site will be monitored regularly by administrators that are authorised by the Head teacher.

4. Misuse

    1. A post can be deleted by a member of staff without notification if they deem it to be inappropriate or breach any of these usage conditions.
    2. The head teacher can close any person’s Yammer account and report directly to relevant external bodies if required.

5. Age Restrictions

    1. The page is designed as a communication tool to engage with parents and carers. It is therefore restricted to people over 18 years of age.
    2. Where the parent is under 18 years old, permission will be granted at the discretion of the head teacher.

6. Staff Responsibilities

    1. Should a post require a response, staff will do their best to reply within two working days between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm.
    2. It will be at the personal discretion of the staff if they reply to a comment on the site.
    3. The private messaging facility exists and staff are under no obligation to check or respond to private messages. We would much rather speak to you in person.
    4. Staff can reply to any comment on the Yammer feeds and will ensure that the information is correct before posting.
    5. If a member of staff feels that any post does not uphold our positive ethos, or that it places them in a negative position by either naming them or through implication, they can request an administrator to take immediate action and delete the post without notifying the sender.
    6. Staff will only post between 8am and 6pm Monday – Friday.